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The smartest resource for landing your dream job.
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Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know before getting started on Ribbon
Why I should use Saturn?
Should I pay for this template?
Can I use the same photos in my project?
How to customize color and typography?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

How does Resume+ work?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

What does Ribbon Pro give me?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

Can I cancel Ribbon Pro anytime?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

Join 150,000 members land their dream job

Mark Matty
Mark Matty
BBA Candidate @ Schulich

Ribbon's Resume+ did a phenomenal job at dissecting my resume and suggesting edits that I would've never thought of by myself. It understands which keywords and phrases are optimal based on my job descriptions.

Evan Ricketts
Evan Ricketts
Computing @ Queens

Ribbon keeps all my applications organized. Absolute game changer for those applying to many jobs at a time - a must have for students and job seekers!

Ranveer Kalra
Ranveer Kalra
BCom Candidate @ UofT

Great AI tool for students, especially during internship season. Jobs Copilot on Ribon helps you stay organized with all your job apps.

Stacey Hu
Stacey Hu
Creative Designer @ ICON

I've never seen anything like Ribbon. Truly creative and innovative career feedback.

Kendall McNeil
Kendall McNeil
Data Scientist @ City Leadership

Ribbon is exactly what our job market needs right now: provide high quality actionable feedback to make you more marketable.

Kevin Liu
Kevin Liu
CS @ Western

I used Resume+ and used its feedback to rewrite and strengthen my resume and went from receiving no interview requests to finally receiving one. I realized that much of the initial resume screening process is based off a scoring system, and Resume+ is perfect at finding typical mistakes that students make that accidentally lower their scores.

Celina Katsiroubas
Celina Katsiroubas
Life Sciences Student, McMaster University

This is insanely cool and honestly one of the best use cases of hiring AI that I’ve seen so far.

Imann Abella
Imann Abella
Business Administration Student, Humber College

Invaluable tool to use on a job hunt. Extremely convenient to have all jobs of interest to me tracked and summarized in this neat extension. Highly recommend if you’re looking for work.

Nicholas Haley
Nicholas Haley
Founder, Floe

Useful tool if you’re job hunting and need more efficient way to organize and streamline your job applications!

Vanessa Nevda
Vanessa Nevda
Digital Design Strategist, Produktiv

Ribbon Jobs Copilot is a total game-changer for job hunting, the tool makes it so much easier to manage job applications!

Taylor Moorehead
Taylor Moorehead
Computer Science & Economics at Duke University

Ribbon's career tools were integral to my success in landing several internships!

Jessica Green
Jessica Green
Marketing Student, NCCU

Ribbon is very useful especially Resume+ and Jobs Copilot features during internship season, relieves a lot of stress that comes with finding a job!


What is Chat AI?

Chat AI is an AI-powered chat bot with special career superpowers. Chat AI has access to your work experience, education, resume and other documents that you securely share with Ribbon. Chat AI also makes use of the latest careers, jobs, and salary data from Ribbon. All of this information is combined to give you the best answers to any career question.

How can Chat AI help me land a job?

Recruiters use many AI-powered tools to help screen and interview candidates. Think of Chat AI as your personal career coach, ready to guide you through any questions and tricky tasks. If you're actively job searching, Chat AI can help you complete applications. Even if you're not in the market for a new job, Chat AI can help you take your career to the next level by identifying areas to improve.

How is Chat AI different to ChatGPT?

Chat AI has been fine-tuned to excel at answering career and job search-related questions. Chat AI also has context about your professional background as well job and salary data, information which is not available to ChatGPT.

Does Chat AI improve over time?

As you use Chat AI and other parts of Ribbon, Chat AI will learn about your career goals and past experience, leading to better answers. You can also provide feedback for specific Chat AI answers which serves to improve your experience over time.

Can Chat AI replace a career coach?

We know that not everyone can afford a career coach (often $100s per session). We created Chat AI to answer any professional or career-related question, with the aim of giving everyone access to an affordable coach to improve their career.

Can Chat AI answer non career-related questions?

Yes! The same fine-tuning that makes Chat AI great at answering career questions also makes Chat AI a great general assistant. Try it out!